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Let Us Never Speak of the Shortcut Again

Episode - 2F01
First Aired - ten/two/1994
The Simpsons are going to Itchy and Scratchy Land — a new theme park based on the violent antics of Bart and Lisa's favorite cartoon series.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Agony of the Feet: Bart is arrested for stepping on the Itchy mascot'south toe.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: One flash from a camera is all information technology takes to screw up the AI for the Itchy and Scratchy robots.
  • Aluminium Christmas Copse: Bart finds information technology ridiculous that the gift shop has no "Bart" vanity license plates, but they practice have "Bort" ones. "Bort" is a real name.
  • Amusement Park of Doom: Itchy & Scratchy Land has dangerously unsafe attractions and, after a power breakdown, everything gets even worse.
  • And This Is for...: In the Latin American translation of the episode, the Itchy-suited employee that Bart stink-bombs earlier in the episode and kicks the Simpsons out of the evacuation helicopter shouts "get to Hell, and this is for Itchy!" as he does so (in the original audio, he says "When you lot get to Hell, tell 'em Itchy sent ya!").
  • Asinine Alternate Action: Bart and Lisa plead with Homer and Marge to have them to Itchy and Scratchy Country, the most trigger-happy theme park on world, only Marge is initially set on the family vacationing at the Highway nine Bird Sanctuary, where they've but installed a new bird feeder that she'south interested to encounter.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Marge tells Homer to find a hotel for the night; Homer tells her, "I'chiliad not tired, I'm not tired at all." A car that appears to be the Simpsons' and so crashes into a telephone pole, but Smash Cut to the Simpsons watching from a nearby hotel room.

    Bart: Whew, glad that wasn't us.

  • Balloon Belly: One of the lands in Itchy and Scratchy Land is "Searing Gas Pain Land" whose graphic depicts Itchy force-feeding Scratchy chili.
  • Beat: There'due south a strange one later on Homer gives his approval to go to Itchy & Scratchy Land: Bart and Lisa gasp and stare at each other with excited expressions before finally shouting "YAY!" a few seconds later.
  • Blatant Lies: In Pinichio, Itchy promises Scratchy that he will never hurt him. His Pinocchio Nose lengthens and stabs Scratchy in the eye.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: The whole family gets in a very loud "D'oh!" when they become caught up in bumper to bumper traffic.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Marge protests confronting going to the theme park because she already booked a vacation, and it would exist a waste of coin not to have said vacation. Lisa and Bart retort that a family vacation means the whole family needs to relish it, and Itchy & Scratchy Land has an developed section.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: A typical Itchy & Scratchy brusk at the offset of the episode stops in its tracks to let its titular characters plug Itchy & Scratchy Country to the viewers.
  • Brick Joke:
    • The Bird Sanctuary. While under set on by robots, Marge brings information technology upwards once more, proverb that they should have gone there like she originally planned.
      • Additionally, when she first mentions the sanctuary, she says they have a new bird feeder that looks like a diner. During the scene there the sanctuary is shown to be nether attack by the birds, said diner-shaped bird feeder can be seen in the background.
    • Homer mistakenly claims the group is 1 developed and iv children when buying their tickets. After he gets arrested past the park security, they refer to him as Marge's "older, balder, fatter son" (having as well arrested Bart).
    • The souvenir store running out of Bort license plates.
    • The jumpers on the roof of "T.G.I. McScratchy'south".
    • When the family first arrives at the park, in that location is a board listing the attractions that are closed for the twenty-four hours, which includes "Nurse's Station." Later during one of the parades, the Nurse's Station can be seen in the background with a "Closed" sign in the window.
  • Tin can't Get Away with Nuthin': Bart whips out his "Li'l Bastard Kit" and fires a stink bomb at the hapless mascot. He laughs it up... and so seconds later, a security guard grabs him past the arm, handcuffs him, and them THROWS HIM INTO A HOLDING Cell (meeting Homer, who got arrested for fighting with a costumed staff member). It gets worse when, after things start going crazy in the park, Bart tries to go on a rescue helicopter... in which is the previously-offended mascot, who tells him to savour Hell before he kicks him away.
  • Chekhov's Gun: During the parade, it is seen that the robots do non reply well to wink photography. This comes into play again towards the finish of the episode.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: The Itchy-suited employee that Bart stink-bombs before in the episode notices them when the family is racing to get on the last evacuation helicopter left and kicks them out, leaving them to dice.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Homer repeatedly ducks the cleaver of a mad robot while insisting that null is incorrect, but loses the two hairs on pinnacle of his head when it gets too close ("Ah! My pilus!").
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Invoked past Lisa, as she and Bart calmly watch Pinitchio, wondering if all the violence has desensitized them. Cue a Scratchybot bursting through the screen, and its head bursting off shooting fake claret everywhere, to no reaction from Bart or Lisa (or indeed anyone in the film's audience).
  • Burrow Gag: The family unit is beamed onto the burrow ala Star Trek.
  • Cue Menu Pause: Bart and Lisa'southward method of persuading their parents to go to Itchy & Scratchy Country.

    Lisa: (pulling Bart'south seemingly lifeless trunk into their parents' room in the middle of the night) Mom, Dad! Bart'southward expressionless!
    (Homer and Marge gasp in terror)
    Bart: (getting upwardly with a huge showman smile on his face) That'due south right! Dead serious about going to Itchy & Scratchy Land!

  • Defying the Censors: The DVD commentary notes that censorship rules were putting the future beingness of Itchy and Scratchy at risk, and that the network even told them to stop featuring the show. This episode, probably the most Itchy and Scratchy-centric in the history of the series, was the response of the writers.
  • Denser and Wackier: If the farthermost levels of No OSHA Compliance at the park didn't marker this episode as one of the nuttier ones up to this indicate, the family unit fighting a literal Robot Uprising in the third act definitely does.
  • Description Cut: When the robots start attacking people, Marge murmurs they should have gone to the bird sanctuary. Cut to the birds there attacking the visitors.
  • Asymmetric Restitution: For singlehandedly neutralizing the park's mob of malfunctioning cyborgs, the Simpson family are given ii free passes for a return trip to the park.

    Homer: Merely at that place are five of the states.

    Roger Meyers Jr: *forcefully* Hither are 2 free passes.

    Homer: That's better.

  • The Dog Bites Back: The park employee with the Itchy suit that Bart stink-bombed earlier in the episode is the one that kicks the family off the evacuation helicopter, leaving them to dice.
  • Driven to Suicide: The waiters at "T.G.I. McScratchy's", a trip the light fantastic guild that celebrates "New Year" almost every 60 minutes. Becomes a Brick Joke during the scene in the security station, where one worker notices "another jumper on the roof of T.Chiliad.I. McScratchy's".
  • Eye Scream: A prune from Pinichio shows Scratchy getting stabbed through the eye with Itchy/Pinichio's Pinocchio Nose. ("OWCH-A!")
  • Exact Words: After fending off the killer robots, Marge complains that information technology was the worst holiday ever, only for Lisa to signal out that the holiday did cease up bringing them all together as a family. Marge is convinced to accept the facts, only to add that they should never speak of the vacation ever again.
  • Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job: John Travolta resorted to working as a bartender in the '70s Disco in Itchy & Scratchy Land.
  • Foreshadowing: Cletus takes a pic of i of the robots, which immediately malfunctions.

    Park exec: No flash photography, delight.

  • Foul Ball Pit: The child care middle for babies is a giant ball room where the babies drown in the assurance. Maggie and other babies manage to swim to the surface, just the director orders the banana to add more than balls to keep them trapped.

    Assistant: The babies look unhappy.

    Managing director: Add more than balls.

  • From Bad to Worse:
    • The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon that parodies The Magician'southward Amateur shows Scratchy corking up Itchy with an axe, but for smaller mice to multiply. Afterward he smashes them to microscopic size, he inhales them by blow and they outset cut up his organs from the inside.
    • So Homer and Bart get arrested and embarrass Marge? She can chew them out, only that's nigh it. Then the robots go along the rampage.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom/Red Eyes, Have Warning: The Itchy and Scratchy robots with their glowing red eyes.
  • Goofy Suit: This episode is one of the few stories where the goofy suit guy gets revenge — Homer is locked up because "I kicked a giant mouse in the butt!", and Bart torments other Itchy-suits by stomping on 1's foot and shooting a stink bomb into another'southward rima oris. He likewise kicks a Scratchy mascot in the shin. Later, when the Itchy and Scratchy robots start rampaging through the park, the guy in the mouse costume makes sure that the Simpsons are kicked off the last escape helicopter.
  • Grey Goo: In Scratchtasia, Scratchy chops Itchy into dust, which reforms into a horde of microscopic Itchies who hack Scratchy to bits from the within out.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: In the opening Itchy & Scratchy sketch, Scratchy lifts weights for a few seconds which makes his muscles abound huge instantly.
  • Guilt by Clan Gag: While never expanded upon, information technology's presumed the only reason why Marge and Lisa were denied admission aboard the escape copter is because of Homer and Bart'south earlier antics to the employees.
  • Hostile Animatronics: And how! They effort to Kill All Humans at the climax... and unfortunately for the Simpsons, they are the just humans left.
  • If My Calculations Are Correct: Spoofed when Professor Frink is informing his coworkers that the Itchy and Scratchy robots volition "eventually plow against their masters and run amok, in an orgy of blood and the boot and the biting with the metal teeth and the pain and shoving." But he adds that "According to my calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at to the lowest degree 24 hours." Immediately, all the robots outset attacking the humans. Frink says in a slightly embarrassed tone, "Oh. I forgot to Behave the One."
  • Incredibly Lame Fun: Marge's idea of an interesting vacation spot is the Highway 9 Bird Sanctuary, because she wants to check out their new bird feeder.

    Marge: I understand they installed a new bird feeder this year.

    (Bart and Lisa stare in horror)

    Marge: It's shaped similar a diner! And information technology's on this really alpine pole!

    (Bart and Lisa proceed to stare in horror)

  • Insane Troll Logic: Homer claims getting jailed for kick a costumed mouse in the groin makes him a political prisoner. Marge is not convinced.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong:
    • Professor Frink is informing his coworkers that the Itchy and Scratchy robots will "eventually turn against their masters and run amok. But he adds that "According to my calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours." Immediately, all the robots start attacking the humans. Frink says in a slightly embarrassed tone, "Oh. I forgot to Comport the One."
    • Marge complains in the middle of the animatronic attack that information technology would accept been safer to go to the bird sanctuary. We get an instant Gilligan Cutting to the Sanctuary, where all of the birds are running amok in a manner similar to The Birds.
  • Iron Maiden: Shows up in a blink-and-miss scene when Marge looks at the map of the amusement park and there is an illustration of the Iron Maiden at the "Torture State" allure.
  • Information technology's All Most Me: Marge shows several shades of this given that she complains throughout the entire episode near how she's embarrassed by Homer and Bart and thinks only of herself. That said, these 2 do give her cause for embarrassment.
  • It'due south the Best Whatever, Ever!: How the Simpsons perceive their vacation.
  • Jerkass: Bart (and apparently) Homer act this fashion towards the suit guys in the park. When one of the Itchy conform actors noticed them trying to get on the last helicopter leaving the park, he justifiably kicks them out.
  • Jurassic Farce: The episode extensively parodies Jurassic Park, especially in Professor Frink's "anarchy theory" explanation and the helicopter that brings the Simpsons to the park, as well as Westworld, which was also written by Michael Crichton.
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-Guided Karma: Lisa has the sense to walk away when Bart causes problem. Bart and Homer harass employees and get tossed into the park'south detention. The Itchy cast member as well kicks Bart and Homer when recognizing them. It seems fitting that the family unit simply gets ii lifetime passes to the park rather than five.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again:
    • Said by Homer when his shortcut to Itchy & Scratchy State put them far off the beaten path.
    • Towards the end of the episode, Bart and Lisa think their trip to Itchy & Scratchy Land was the all-time vacation always. Marge disagrees:

    Marge: Are you ii bonkers? We near got killed! Non to mention all the embarrassment I suffered.
    Lisa: Only mom, it's exactly what you wanted in a vacation: it brought us closer as a family, nosotros got a lot of expert exercise outdoors, and nosotros have then many memories!
    Marge: ...You know, yous're right. This truly was the best vacation ever. At present let us never speak of it again.

  • Liar'southward Paradox: In a deleted scene, Lisa tries to trigger a Logic Bomb on the robots by calling this paradox out to them. The robots don't have the chapters to compute this, and thus ignore it. Homer is the one who gets the Logic Flop.
  • Lifesaving Misfortune: For Marge, the visit to Itchy and Scratchy Land was one of the most embarrassing experiences of her life (and she doesn't actually changes her heed when the rest of her family says otherwise, fifty-fifty ordering them to "Let U.s. Never Speak of This Once more") merely they were the heroes of the day when the animatronics attacked. Had they gone to the Bird Sanctuary like Marge wanted, they would have been just another handful of casualties.
  • Like Begetter, Like Son: Bart is arrested for harassing the Itchy performer. Turns out Homer was arrested for doing the same affair.
  • Literal Asskicking: Homer is arrested for kicking the Itchy mascot in the butt.
  • Literal-Minded: When Marge goes to pick up Homer and Bart in jail:

    Marge: I'g so embarrassed, I wish at that place was a hole I could merely crawl into and die.
    Baby-sit: Okay, throw her in the hole.
    Marge: Oh, delight. Information technology was just a effigy of spoken language.

  • Look Behind Y'all: A man tells Marge that, at Itchy & Scratchy Land, they're as well concerned virtually violence and ever testify the consequences of such actions. Marge asks when they show the consequences, giving an example where Itchy pulled out Scratchy'southward lungs yet was breathing fine in the next scene.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Homer's kickoff assumption well-nigh the murderous robots is that they're hitting on him.
  • Mr. Alt Disney: Roger Meyers, the anti-semitic cartoon genius, is an obvious stab at Walt Disney, who was defendant of having rather (alleged) xenophobic opinions nearly sure ethnicities, although not worse as many other people at that time.
    • Meanwhile, his son, Roger Meyers Jr. is a Corrupt Corporate Executive and obvious jab at then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner.
  • Murderous Malfunctioning Auto: The Itchy and Scratchy robots take a protocol that ensures that they only attack each other; their HUD commands them to "KILL" their contrary number. Inevitably, they malfunction, and the "KILL" command is demanded on human targets.
  • Narrating the Obvious:
    • Lampshaded. When the family are being attacked past the robots, Lisa points out to Homer that the photographic camera flash scrambled the robots' circuits. Homer retorts: "What are y'all, the narrator?"

    Lisa: (a robot approaches Lisa) But go along taking pictures!

    • Also Marge when the robots start attacking.

    Marge: Oh, my. It looks like we're doomed.

  • Noodle Incident:
    • Homer taking a shortcut to I&S Land, which ends with their auto in shambles, a missile stuck in Marge's pilus, and a chicken flying out the machine window.

    Homer: Alright, nosotros're hither. Now let us never speak of the shortcut again.

    • After seeing a robot's circuits, Marge comments that this is why Homer'south robot never worked. This is never elaborated on.
  • No OSHA Compliance: Well-nigh of the attractions at the park.
  • Not What It Looks Like: While at the "Tavern on the Scream" eating place, Marge assumes Bart and Homer'southward nutrient requests are them acting out in public:

    Bart: (to the waiter) I'll have a Encephalon Burger with extra pus, please.

    Marge: Bart!

    Homer: (to the waiter) Eyeball Stew.

    Marge: Homer! Nosotros simply got hither and already I'g mortified beyond conventionalities past your embarrassing behavior!

    • Gone Horribly Wrong: And immediately following this explanation:

      Marge: Oh, I see. (reads the menu) All right, hmm... (to the waiter) I'll take the Baby Guts.

      Lisa: (quietly) Mom, that's veal.

  • Now Buy the Merchandise: Later on the blatant Product Placement episode of ''Itchy & Scratchy":

    Krusty: Kids, yous heard the cartoon rat. If you haven't already run to your parents begging to go, do it now. You won't be missing anything funny: I'll just exist sitting here reading this grownup'south newspaper. (laughs; reads a racing course, then looks back towards the photographic camera) Now!

  • Erstwhile Shame: In-Universe, Roger Meyers' controversial 1938 cartoon "Nazi Supermen are Our Superiors" is a jab at Walt Disney'south alleged racist and anti-semitic opinions. Besides, the Walt Disney Company but made anti-Nazi propaganda cartoons during World War 2. Other gags reveal more near Roger Meyers' racist opinions: the park'south German security guards resemble The Gestapo a lot and that one of the characters in the Itchy & Scratchy franchise is even revealed to exist named Ku Klux Klam.
  • Ane Steve Limit: Averted. At that place were two people named Bort on screen, and there were enough Borts at the park for their license plates to sell out.
  • The But One Allowed to Defeat Y'all: Homer addresses this.

    Homer: Dorsum YOU ROBOTS! Nobody ruins my family vacation... but me!! (points at Bart) And maybe the boy!

  • Only Sane Human being: Lisa is the only one who isn't lament about Bart and Homer's immaturity while warning Bart that he'southward asking for problem.
  • Parody: Itchy & Scratchy Land is an extensive parody of the Disney Theme Parks, peculiarly Walt Disney Earth (Orlando, Florida). Also, Euro Itchy & Scratchy State was such a failure the employee working at the ticket berth feared for his wage. Disneyland Paris, formerly known every bit Euro Disneyland, was not a success when it get-go opened.
    • When the robots run amok, the episode also spoofs Michael Crichton'due south film, Westworld.
    • Even Marge's bird sanctuary isn't as calm every bit she idea it might be — The Birds are wreaking havoc there in a Cutaway Gag!
  • Pre-Asskicking Ane-Liner: Bart says in a Schwarzenegger-esque voice, "Hey mouse... Say cheese." followed quickly past "With a dry out, cool wit like that, I could be an activeness hero." It's played with even further when moments subsequently, Homer emerges from a pile of defeated robots, maxim "Die, bad robots, die!... With a dry, cool wit like that, I could be an activeness hero."
  • Putting on the Reich: The security guards at the park dress in uniforms resembling the SS. I of the guards who talks to Marge even has a German emphasis.
  • Rapid Crumbling: Scratchy, when millions of Nano-Itchies destroy him from the inside.
  • Robot State of war: The Simpsons have to fight murderous robots at the climax.
  • Robo Vision: "Identify... Scratchy — KILL!"
  • The Runt at the Stop: The beautiful little infant ax has trouble keeping up with the marching footstep.
  • Screw the Rules, It's the Apocalypse!: Bart uses the fact that it's a life-or-death situation at the climax to smash the windows of a couple of gift shops: one to get the cameras the family needs to fight the robots off, and a totally unnecessary one that sells snow globes that he presumably steals.
  • Screw This, I'g Outta Here!: Lisa has the sense to walk abroad when Bart launches a smoke bomb at a cast member.
  • Meet You lot in Hell: Variation: "When you lot become to Hell, tell 'em Itchy sent ya!"
  • Shark Fin of Doom: When the family took a vacation at Sandy Embankment, Homer terrorized other tourists by pretending to be an approaching shark. Bart was doing the aforementioned thing, and he accidentally terrorized Homer, who saw him with his fake fin and screamed "Aaaah! Shark boy!"
  • Shear Menace: In the opening sketch, Itchy stabs Scratchy in the caput with a pair of scissors.
  • Shoe Slap: Marge points out that violence isn't so funny what information technology happens to you. Bart says that information technology is funny watching it happen to someone else, which Lisa demonstrates by tossing her shoe at Bart. Marge does find it funny, before sending Lisa to her room.
  • Shoo Out the New Guy: Long before Poochie came forth, there was a previous endeavor to add new characters to the I&S universe with "the curt-lived Itchy & Scratchy & Friends Hr", equally Bart explains information technology. Among the now-forgotten characters whose merchandise notwithstanding hasn't been sold off: Disgruntled Goat (whom Bart really liked), Uncle Ant, and Ku Klux Klam.
    • Later retconned in "The Day The Violence Died", when it's revealed that Disgruntled Goat was created by Roger Meyers Sr. long before the "Hr" was aired.
  • Short Cuts Make Long Delays: Homer's idea to accept a shortcut route to Itchy & Scratchy State only leads to disaster. Run into Noodle Incident.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Bart and Homer chasing off beach tourists with a simulated shark dorsal is a reference to Jaws.
    • The helicopter bringing The Simpsons to Itchy & Scratchy Land is very like to Jurassic Park, complete with a matching logo. Professor Frink claiming he used chaos theory to prove the robots will become haywire is a parody of Ian Malcolm.
    • The robots attacking reference both Westworld and The Terminator.
    • Ii Itchy & Scratchy cartoons spoof Disney's Pinocchio and Fantasia (specifically, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" segment).
    • The bird sanctuary references Hitchcock'south The Birds.
    • A forgotten Itchy and Scratchy grapheme, Disgruntled Goat, is inspired past the too forgotten Warner Bros. cartoon graphic symbol Gabby Caprine animal. Gabby's primary character trait is that he is often disgruntled.
  • Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom: The death traps during the log ride.
  • Souvenir State: Itchy and Scratchy Land is a direct Disneyland/Walt Disney World parody, and surprisingly thorough in spoofing existent stuff at the parks in The '90s, like Disney Dollars, the Pleasure Isle adult nightclub circuitous at the Florida resort, and fifty-fifty the Walt Disney Story allure. The robot parades besides feature the Itchy and Scratchy theme in the style of the Chief Street Electric Parade. The episode too briefly showed "Euro Itchy & Scratchy Land" in a Cutaway Gag; information technology'due south completely abandoned, save for a French ticket principal calling out for customers because his last paycheck bounced and his "children need wine" — a reference to the (and then-topical) disastrous early years of what is at present called Disneyland Paris.
  • Standard Female Catch Area: Averted. When Marge is grabbed past the arm by two guards twice her size, she breaks costless within fifteen seconds.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Bart and Lisa are already gone for another log ride while Marge thinks they are still right next to her.
  • Sure, Allow'south Go with That: John Travolta allows the people who mistake him for someone who merely looks like him to recall they're correct.
  • Take That!:
    • To Euro Disney. Euro Itchy and Scratchy Land was a Ghost Town then the employee at the ticket booth was afraid of losing his job.
    • When Marge orders the "Babe Guts", the waiter promptly declares she disgusts him and walks off. Lisa quietly explains that she'd just ordered veal.
  • Tempting Fate: Marge is purchasing T-shirts that say "Best Vacation Always" when park security announces that Bart and Homer have been arrested.
    • In one of their previous vacations to Amish country, Homer gleefully makes a nuisance of himself to the Amish customs, proclaiming "I can be a jerk and no 1 can stop me!"... at which point a mule kicks him in the ass. Hard.
  • Theme Naming: Itchy & Scratchy Land does this for both its rides and the restaurant entrees ("Brain Burger with extra pus", "Eyeball Stew").
  • This Is Gonna Suck:
    • Santa's Lilliputian Helper and Snowball Ii look at each other in this way when being left alone with Grampa (who asks which one of them is the mailman).
    • Lisa tries to warn Bart to non attack an employee. He doesn't listen, and she has this reaction before disappearing when the guards come.
  • Plow the Other Cheek: Homer takes horrible reward of this when the family once vacationed at the Amish Country. He laughed as he ice-creamed everyone and everything in his path since he wouldn't suffer any retribution from them, until he got kicked by a donkey.
  • Wasn't That Fun?: Later on a rather deadly roller-coaster that ends in the family jumping out of the way of a buzz saw onto mattresses, Bart and Lisa title-driblet the trope. They practise it again at the end of the episode, calling the trip "the best vacations of our lives", but Marge insists that it wasn't fun for her and orders the kids to Permit Us Never Speak of This Again.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: The Itchy and Scratchy robots were easily subdued by flashing cameras.
  • What Could Possibly Become Incorrect?: The family is taking a helicopter into the park when the pilot comes over the PA: "Welcome to Itchy & Scratchy Country, where nothing can possibligh go incorrect... Possibly become wrong. That's... the kickoff affair that's e'er gone wrong."
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Marge chews out Homer and Bart for breaking their agreement, harassing employees, and embarrassing her.
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: During their road trip to Itchy & Scratchy Land, the Simpsons see a sign reading "Highway to Some Other State".
    • The Simpsons likewise at one point stand in a '5 Corners' monument. There is no signal in the existent United States in which five states intersect.
  • Who Even Needs a Encephalon?: While promoting the opening of Itchy & Scratchy Land, Itchy stabs Scratchy in the head with a pair of scissors. When Scratchy pulls it out, he also pulls out his brain, turning him into a Type I.
  • Whole Plot Reference: The unabridged part of the plot about the robots copies Michael Crichton'due south motion-picture show Westworld (even emulating the looks of the film park's maintenance section for the scenes that take place there, like Marge going to fetch the Simpson males from security and Frink talking well-nigh his (horribly miscalculated) prediction).
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: One Scratchy drawing has him actually wrestle the axe out of Itchy's hands and smash him up in turn. Information technology ends up creating tinier mice with multiple axes, who proceed to keep the rampage. They chop him up from the inside.
  • Your Costume Needs Work: Homer and Marge visit Itchy's '70s Disco ("Est. 1980") on Parents Island:

    Homer: It is The '70s! Down to the smallest detail!

    Marge: Await! The bartender even looks like John Travolta!


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